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get Spaced

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It’s a long process from idea to realization, but it begins with baby steps. A story with an outcome, characters that play and essential role, and a lot of pieces that go together to form the entire puzzle. SPACED is a new production developed by Perry Shulak, with an extended plan to cross over from an immersive dome 3D animated experience to a digital broadcast series.

SPACED adds adventure to science, and rockets off to destinations around the galaxy. Dealing with an incoming unknown threat, it’s up to the members of Intergalactic Salvage Command to science real-world space faring solutions.

Delivering animation and motion graphics in Dubai

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animation and motion graphics

International exposure for First Nations creatives provides a view of tradition and story to Dubai from the prairies of Canada. Working along side other local First Nations artists, Critical Fusion provided the vision, motion graphics and animation that became the backdrop for live performances at the Dubai Expo. This was an opportunity to present the creative of four local First Nation artist, John Cardinal (jcat), Lana Whiskeyjack, Dawn Marie Marchand and Pachakuteq Bravo Espinoza on the world stage. The production was managed by Dreamspeakers Festival Society from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

AMPIA Awards for Screenwriting and Animation

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Alberta Media Production Awards for Screenwriting and Animation

The list of nominees for the AMPIA awards were released last week, and Critical Fusion grabbed two.

Best Screenwriter (Drama under 30 minutes)

Perry Shulak
Legends of the Northern Sky
Critical Fusion

Best Animator / Motion Graphic Artist

Perry Shulak, Marina Hellervik, Ryan Iddiols & Jordan Birch
Legends of the Northern Sky
Critical Fusion