Critical Fusion develops interactive and linear media productions independently, and in collaboration with other production entities abroad. On aligning visual standards and user experience, we have updated and develop interactive and experiential content on local and far reaching exhibits. Our participation has included research, concept development, user experience and interface design, on up to assembling storyboarding for interactive experiences and applying branding across the entire exhibit.
Hockey: Faster Than Ever
On this travelling exhibit, we assisted in refining and developing several of the added interactive experiences, as well as rebuilding visuals across all interactive content. Along with brand and UI, we provided research and writing, and updated 3d animated event videos.

Critical Fusion provided creative direction on interactive resources for this exhibit that opened up at the Liberty Science Centre in New York. Our involvement crossed over all aspects of this technology driven exhibit which included research, storyboarding, user experience, and asset creation.

Julia Child:
A Recipe for Life
This exhibit is on tour, beginning at the Napa Valley Museum. Critical Fusion provided user interface design for the meal preparation experience.

Grow A Bug Simlab
Interactive experience and supplemental print resource for grade school curriculum developed for Alberta Canola Producers.

Power to Play
A series of Interactive experiences targeting K to 3 curriculum for Alberta Milk Producers. These applications featured 2D animation, and came with a supplemental print resource.

Pets in the City
For the City of Edmonton, this smartboard journey explores the responsibilities associated with owning a Pet. Understanding comes from the result of outcomes through impactful decision making.